Bergara landed at the Rancho Saturday evening and gave no notice of the fall of the Alamo, but that Antonio Peres brought the news to the rancho Sunday evening, and Father Bargara stated at the rancho that Musquiz had advised him lo leave as it was not pmdent for him to remain. Antonio Peres was called to Bejar by Don Louisana Navarro for the purpose of sending him to Gonzales with a letter calling on all Mexicans to come forward and present themselves to the President to receive there pardon and enter on their own proper pursuits. Antonio refused to come unless Santa Anna would give a passport which could not then be obtained but was promised in three or four days and that on tomorrow if he (Antonio) comes he will leave the rancho for this place. Genl'l Cos entered Bejar with 700 men (so says Bergara) [The above is written in the hand of G. W. Hockley] [2293] [EVERITT to HULING]
March 11th 1836 at Washington
Thos B. Huling
Dr friend Yours of the 27 came this day to Hand- I am happy to say part of your communication was acted on before It came to hand and in accordance with your views- we are now at work on the Constitution and hope to get through in a few days. I have got by hard work. Introduces into the Constitution that all actual settlers & heads of family one League & one Labor of Land. and to Single men one third of a League- also that it shall not be obligatory on any settler to reside on his land. So Gov. See I have so far accomplished part of our desired objects. The Constitution is not yet adopted but I do not think but what I can keep the above provisions in it. I shall do all I can to have the Large Grants of Land declared void and shall keep you informed of all things as they transpire There is no longer any doubt of our having to fight and that I am fearful. Pretty hard as the Mexicans are pushing into our country with very strong forces. Our citizens will have to turn out and aid the people here. Excuse haste
J i
Your friend & obt serv S. I-1. Everitt
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