Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2286) [JONES to ARBUCKLEl

Adjutant General's Office, Washington, i\farch 10, 1836. Sir: In consct1uence of the unexpected detention of Major General Gaines, in Florida, you will repair to some proper point in Louisiana, near the Mexican frontier; and take command of all the troops in that quarter. You will be governed by the instructions of the Secretary of War, to Major General Gaines, under date of January 23d, a copy of which is herewith transmitted for yom guidance. It may be proper to inform you, that the duty lo which you are now assigned may be only temporary, as it is probable that Major General Gaines will now soon repair to Louisiana, and there assume the duties pointed out m the instructions of the Secretary of War, above referred to.

I am, sir, With great respect, Your obedient servant, R. Jones. Adjt. Gen.

Brig. Gen. M. Arbuckle, comdg. S. W. Dept. Fort Gibson, Ark. Ter. [2287)


[ l',larch l O 1836) List of Officers of the Regular Army appointed byGeneral Council

Infantry Edward Burleson ................................Colonel Henry Millard .. . .............................Lt. Colonel Wm Oldham ......................................Major Captains James Collinsworth, Andrew Briscose, James Tarleton, Amasa Turner, Henry Teal, R. Coleman, George Richardson, John M. Allen, John F. Martin, John Bird.


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