Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

arms & men. l have never seen such men as this army is composed of-'no man ever thinks of retreat, or surrender, they must be exterminated to be whipped- Nothing can depress their ardour- we are frequently for days without anything hut Bull beef Lo cat, and after working hard all day could you al night hear the boys crowing, gobling, barking, bellowing, laughing and singing you would think them the happiest and best fed men in Lhe world- Do all you can for Texas- Y r. affectionate son 8. 1-l. Duval N.8- If there sh [torn] in my letter that could benefit Texas make it public-

To His Excely, Wm. P. Duval. [Addressed:] For

His ExceUy- Wm. P. Duval Tallahassee Florida


Burnham's, Colorado, March 9, 1836 This day a letter was forwarded by return express from this place to Colonel J. C. Neill, commanding at Gonzales, ordering the original to be forwarded to Colonel Fannin, Commanding at Goliad, and a copy lo be kept, as follows: 'Colonel Fannin Lo march immediately with all his effective force (except one hundred and twenty men, lo be left for the protection of his post), to co-operate with the command of Colonel Neill, at some point to be designated by him, to the relief to Colonel Travis, now in the Alamo. Colonel N. to recommend a route to Colonel F. from Goliad to the point of co-operation. Colonel F. to bring two light pieces of artillery, and 110 more; fifty muskets, with thirty to forty rounds hall-cartridge for each. Both lo use immediate despatch-Colonel F. with ten days' provisions.'


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