Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

arc expecting an attack hourly. An express yesterday was chased in by 200 cavalry eighteen miles from this- Sixty miles sou th of this is another party of 650 who have been quartered at San Patricio for some days, waiting reinforcements. Several of our parties of 20 and 30 have been cut off by them-As I anticipated, much dissention prevails among the Volunteers, Col. Fannin, now in command (Genl. Houston being absent), is unpopular- and nothing but the certainty of hard fighting, and that shortly, could have kept us together so long-. I am popular with the army, and strange as you may think it could lead them or the majority of them where I choose- They have offered to give me every office from a ~lajority to Comdr. in Chief-I have seen enough to desire no office for the present in Texas higher than the one I hold- I have fifty men in my Company, who love me and who cannot be surpassed for boldness and chivalry- With such a band I will gain the laurels I may wear or die without any- I am situated at present with my company, in a strong stone house immediately across the street and opposite one of the bastions of the fort- from the bastion I have built a Bridge to the top of the house on which is placed a Brass Six Pounder-the best and most commanding sihiation we have- before I am driven from it hundreds must perish- I have seen something of the country since I last wrote you having been out for some days at a time on several expeditions- It is decidedly a richer country than I expected to find, and must be more healthy than any other southern country- at least this part of it- the country is high and dry tho generally level and the rivers, at least this, the San Antonio, descends with the velocity of a mountain stream- In many parts waler and timber is too scarce, and the Northern winds are frequent and last from one lo three days blowing with great violence. The climate of Florida I think is greatly preferable, but it can not be compared to this in point of soil- We have just learned from Washington (the seat of Govt. that they have declared Independence- If such be the fact of which I have no doubt-we must whip the \1exicans- For young men who wish to acquire distinction and forturne now is the time- Tell all who arc friendly to the cause of Texas to lend a helping hand and that quickly, The little band of Volunteers now in the field must breast the storm and keep a powcrful army in check until relief is al hand or all is lost- We wan l provisions


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