Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2574] [THOMAS to HOUSTON]

War Department Harrisburg 4 Apl 1836

To General Sam Houston, Commander in Chief of the Army Sir I send you by Capt. John W. Moore one hundred and ninety two pair of shoes twenty four Bridles for the use of the Army. We can send you in a few days two or three hundred more pair of shoes if needed at the Army can also be had. We are not able to comply with your request to send you Flour Sugar & Coffee. There is none here or at Galveston Bly a vessel will leave here to day for New Orleans & will return as speedily as possible with supplies. All the supplies for the Army are west of the Brasoz-Either al Matagorda Coxes point or Velasco if your communication with the Sea Coast is not cut off by the enemy your supplies should be brought from those places-as were directed from this department. But Col Warren C. Hall informs us by a letter dated a day or two ago that in consequence of the retreat of the Army, by which the Brasoz becomes the frontier he had ordered all the Army ammunition and public stores of every description around to the east end of Galveston Island. He does not inform us of the quantity of public property or their character. We think that the enemy will attempt to get possession of our ports and harbours. And will fall down on the coast instead of crossing the Brasoz-if that should be the case it then becomes a question-where is the best position to intercept his movements. The people are still retireing beyond the Trinity. Many say they will return to the army so soon as they can provide situations for their families-we have very few men here at our command. Therefore are unable to exercise the controle of men as we could desire. If the enemy could be met and receive a check in their movements the people I have no doubt would rally to your standard and very soon your force would be sufficient to drive the 'Enemy in turne beyond the Guadalupe and again close him up in San Antonio. There was an order from this department founded on one issuing from Capt. Baker in which an order was recited from you requesting the arrest of Edward Gritten. He is here in custody we are not advised of the charges against him nor have we been able to discover any thing prejudiced to him personally so he will be


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