Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

it is reported you ha<l besl come if possible. It will inspirit the Troops. No Express has reached me for some five days past from Harrisburg. The Army is in good spirits. Houston [2572] [HOUSTON to SMITHJ

Camp West of Brazos 4 Apl 1836


You will take up your quarters at Foster's [ ?] with four of your Company & the command from there with Lieut Cook.-You will keep a regular Guard over the Com & other property & permit nothing to be wasted or destroyed. You will also take care of the horses in the neighborhood & not permit them to range too far. You will send out a scout & should anything of importance transpire you will report same to Head Quarters forthwith. Respectfully to Capt Smith Your obt servant

Sam Houston Comr in Chief



Head Quarters, Camp West of Brazos, 4th April 1836.

Army Orders!

The Commander in Chief in consideration of the recommendation of the Court in favour of the prisoner Garner to mercy, and the disposition of the General to spare the lives of all who may be useful to the Country has determined to respute the sentence of the Court until further orders with a hope and belief that the persistence of the prisoner, may be a guarantee for his future good conduct and obedience to the rules and regulations of the Army- Hereafter prisoners guilty of the crime of mutiny and desertion where sentenced by a Court Martial will suff<'r the penalty of the Law. Sam Houston


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