Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


r2s111 [HOUSTON to RUSK]

Head Quarters Camp West of Brasos 4 Apl 1836


I have the honor to inform you that by an Express which reached me on last night with intelligence that Col Fannin and his Command had been attacked by a large body of Mexican Cavalry & Infantry in the prairie about 8 miles east of San Antonio River on his march from La Bahia lo Victoria. The Enemy were several times repulsed. On the next morning (the battle lasting until in the night) the Enemy fired several Cannon shots and hoisted a flag of Truce which was met by a corresponding signal from Col Fannin. The Commanders met and stipulated that the Americans on condition of surrender should be treated as prisoners of War and in eight days be sent to New Orleans on parole. On the eighth day under a Guard the prisoners were marched out after having been kept in close confinement-with a file of soldiers on each side of the line of prisoners. The Guard then doubled files on the night of the prisoners and fired upon them killing all but one who made his escape. The Enemy are said to have lost 1000 men in the action if our men would rally Lhe enemy could not fight us unless they had five to one. Humanity must recoil at the perfidy which has been exercised towards the brave & heroic men who have perished in the unequal conflicts with the Enemy when they were always more than six to one. Will not our friends rush Lo the conflict and at once avenge the wrongs which have been inflicted on our dauntless comrades-The day of just retribution ought not to be deferred. Send Expresses to the East & the United States. The Army is fast organizing and will soon be in preparation. The last advices report that the Army cannot cross the Colorado except a part of it owing to high waters. The delay of the Enemy is said by others Lo be owing to some difficulties in the Interior and a want of supplies. San Felipe was reduced to ashes tho not by my order. I have the honor to be Your Obt. Servant Sam Houston Cmr in Chief P.S. It was reported in Camp that you were coming to the Army. As


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