Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


Stale Dept. Texas April 4th 1836

To A. C. Horton Esqr. Sir

Your letter of the 24th of March has been recd and laid befor the President & Cabinet. I am i11structcd to say lo you that the Govt. is desirous of engaging as many persons as possible in the service. In order to effect that purpose, the President by and with the advice and consent of his cabinet issued his proclamation dated the third of April 1836 setting forth the terms on which commissio11s will issue to those who may hereafter raise men for the service ofthe country, a copy of proclamation is herein inclosed; therefore any efforts on your part to raise men and introduce them into the service of the country will rccieve the approbation of the Govt. and such commission as you may be entitled lo according to provii::ions in said proclamation shall bc granted &c.

l am Respl. yours &c.

Railey Hardeman Act. Sec. of State

[2570] [HOUSTON to NOBLE]

Camp West of Brazos 4 Apl 1836

To Lieut Benj Noble Sir

You will proceed in Company with Daniel Kinchenoe and Harvey ~lall to the west of Mill Creek '-'?./. range between that & the Colorad, ,. They will observe the movements of the enemy and in the ev1! 1 t of any discoveries they will transmit the earliest informa; on to Head Quarters. They will not fail in communicating any ink ligence which may be of importance to the operations of this arm Re spec If II ll y Your obt Servant Sam Hou:.-ton Commander in Chief


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