Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

to give notice of the sum to secure and early payment of the instalments, and meet the large amount of acceptances, given by this office Should it be the pleasure of the Government to allow this agency to receive the several instalments as paid in, our credit would be so established as lo enable us to meet the wants of the Government to almost any extent. We could also so arrange, that the Government could draw upon the office for funds wanted in Texas, & save the risk of the transportation of moneys we would also make any arrangements that would be satisfactory to the Convention. In respectfully presenting the above proposal, we would remark that we shall cheerfully submit to whatever the convention in their wisdom may determine upon I have the honour to be Yours Respectfully &c

Wm. Bryan General Agent

[ 2279) [DUVAL to DUVAL]

Goliad, March 9th, 1836

Dear Father,

It has been some time since I have had an opty. of writing to you, A gentleman leaves here to day for the U. States but have my doubts if he gets fifty miles from this post as we are surrounded by Mexican troops- By last express, yesterday from San Antonio we learned that our little band of 200 still maintained their situation in the Alamo, the fort outside of the town- They have been fighting desperately there for IO or 15 days against four or five thousand Mexicans Santa Anna is there himself and has there and in his vicinity at least six thousand troops- Contrary to the expectation of every one he has invaded the Country when least expected- Not a Texian was in the field, nor has even one yet made his appearance at this post- The greater portion of the Mexican troops are mounted, and of course have greatly the advantage over us- We now muster at this post 400 strong, and from the preparations we have made shall be enabled to give any number a desperate fight- San Antonio I fear has fallen before this; -from its situation and construction, I cannot believe it possible so small a band could maintain it against such fearful odds- D. Crockett is one of the number in the fort- We


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