Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2561 l lRUSK lo MARTIN]

Brasos river San Felipe 3d April l836

Dear Sir

On my arrival here I was very glad lo find that you had gone down to Fort Be11cJ for the purpose of making a sta11d there as I hope il will b,-~of great service in stopping many who arc on the relrcal towards the Sabine as soon as il is known that there is a force al that place the families in the rise will feel much confidence and many men will be induced to turn back circulate the fact of your being at that place as much as you can East of you, and it would be well to send a Courier to Harrisburgh, lo give notice to the people there and East of there. You will please write me by the branch address to the Head Quarters of the Army where I intend remaining for some days. I am Sir very Respectfully

Yours Tho J. Rusk Sec at War

(Addressed:] Captain Wiley Martin Fort Bend Brazos

(2562] [SMITH to ESPINO J

Consulate of the U.S.A., Matamoras, April 3, .1836. Sir: I have this moment received a communication, dated the 2d instant, and signed by the masters of the Amrrican brig Jane and schooner Compeer, complaininl!; of the forcible detention of their vessels in lhis port since the 3 Isl ultimo by your order. It appears that these vessels have been regularly clcan•ci at this customhouse; and lhal one of them, the Jane, has a valuable cargo on board, consisting of hicks, mules, specie, the detention of which is a serious loss lo the owner of that vessel and cargo. I have, therefor<·, to rcqursl lhat you eomm1111icak to me ,Is soon as prac:ticablc the r.ausc of the dcl1·11tio11 of thes<' vr~l:s.


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