AJl men are now require~ lo join the army and do duty and those ,~ho do not report forthwith to some Captain and have their names m_lered on the Muster Roll arc liable to the pains & penalties of deserllon.
Sam. Houston Commander in Chief of the Army
[Ramon Mu~quiz, Bexar, to Juan Jose Andrade, Bexar, April 3, 1836, dcclarmg that he has no soldiers to aid in re-establishing a mail system. J [2560) [PITTMAN to HOUSTON]
Whitesides four Miles East of the Brasos April 3d 1836
His Excellency Gen. Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Texian Army Sir
I take the liberty of enclosing to your care a letter for Col. Houston, who I learn is at present somewhere on the Coast, but will soon be at Head Quarters. Intelligence just received from home renders it absolutely necessary that I should return to my family to provide for their helpless situation and I should have availed myself of your permission to be absent from my post a short time but the exceeding bad state of the roads and the difficulty of crossing the streams in the present high stage of water, I hope wilJ provide a sufficient excuse. I will however make aJl speed to return to my duty-and hope that the course I have taken may meet your approbation.
Very respectfully Sir Your obl svt D. Pittman Ast. Qr. M. Genl.
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