Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

the main Army-leaving his horses and sick with his heavy baggage in charge of a suitable guard, with strict orders for their regulation and government-The order now issued arcsLricLly Lo lie obeyed. AJI persons in the Camp al Capt. Baker arc Lo join some Company for lhe present, and no person can leave it without permission, otherwise he will he reported as a deserter and treated as such unless he should leave lo join his proper Command, and then he must report to Capt. Baker. Capt. Baker is senior officer in dale of appointment-II is hoped the most perfect harmony will exist and daiJy reports made to I-lead Quarters.

Sam. llouslon Com. in Chief


Orders Head Quarters, Camp on Brazos 3rd April 1836 Mr. J. Groce will take charge of a Grey StaJlion now 011 the opposite side of the river, and hold him subject lo the orders of the Commr in Chief of the Army-by order.

Sam Houston Commr. in Chief

Geo. W. Hockley lnspr. Genl.


Head Quarters West of 13rasos 3d Apt. 1836

Army Orders

The Troops on the East side of the Ilrasos will respect all private properly and place themselves in the best possible organisa- tion. IL is the soldiers duty lo protect the properly of the Citiscn & not to waste or destroy it. Capt. Brient & Kimbro will make daily reports of llw strength & stale of their C:ommancls. All persons who arc there & cannot shew they an· 1101 attached lo some command & have leave lo he ahscnl will Ill' forthwith aLLachcd lo some Company. All persons who may leave or all<'mpl lo lt·avc lh1\ Army contrary to orders arc deserters and will be trcakd as s111·h.

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