Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

If I should pass the river, my de:;ign will be, should I quit a position opposite to this point, to drop down opposite Fort Bend, or some point below. The enemy would not have it in their power to pass the river for at least a month to come; and we could only cross with the aid of a steamboat, which I have pressed, and will retain till I can dispense with it. If I should pass the river, I will leave my most effective cavalry on this side. I send you, in charge of Mr. Estc, two prisoners, Peter Kerr, and Beregardo, a Mexican. I have nothing pointed against them; but suspicion has fallen upon them, and they are to be secured. You may rest easy at Harrisburg; the enemy will never cross the 13rasos, and I hope the panic will soon subside. People areplanting com on the east side of this river. · Mr. Zavala has arrived and has reported for duty. I am glad of it. He informed me that I should have the pleasure of seeing you; and indeed it would give me pleasure to do so. I have ordered the troops below to occupy some defensible positions below on the river, or coast, and check the enemy. Rumors from the Mexican interior of wars, or difficulty in crossing the Colorado, have caused them to delay; and at this time it is almost impossible for them to pass the prairies, owing to the rains that have fallen since we passed- then it was only possible for us to pass with our wagons. If they come, their artillery must come. They must raft it over the Colorado, which is very high, as I am informed. It must be out of its banks. I have looked for an express from you for several days. Eighty Redlanders have arrived, and are on the opposite bank. The arrival of others is daily expected.

Sam Houston.


Head Quarters Camp west of Brazos, 3d April 1836

Army Orders

Capt. Kimbro with his Command will report to some position near to San Felipe and unite his command with that of Capt. M. Baker, and remain until further orders. He will inform Capt. Baker that throughout the whole command the most perfect discipline will be preserved. Capt. Brien will cross the river and join



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