Camp West of Brazos, 3rd Apl. 1836. I hereby hi11d myself lo make title to one league of land, to Lewis C. Ferguson, in consideration that he will act agreeably to my directions, and render to the army, all the aid in his power, as an Engineer, and officer of the Steam Boat "Yellow Stone." And I do bind myself not to call on him to take arms in behalf of Texas, but will allow him to remain under the flag of the U. States, and its protection. The title [is] to be made when the Boat is allowed to leave the 13razos River; and to land which I hold in my own right and property. Given the day and date above written under my hand & seal. Sam Houston (2555) [HOUSTON to RUSK] To Thomas J. Rusk, Secretary of War: Sir: I arrived at this place on the first instant, and pitched my encampment in a secure position, in hopes that I should receive supplies, and more so, thal I would be enabled to meet the enemy at any time, and under any circumstances which propriety might dictate. Since my location, rains have fallen; and it is possible the waler may invade my encampment, and compel me to remove, either back to the prairie, or to pass over the river to the east side. If I do pass, it will only be to make my camp on a healthy sitc, secure from water, and to defend our horses from the enemy; for I find that no care whatever will be taken of horses, and if they fall inlo the enemy's hands it would add to his facilities. My spies return ancl report the enemy only about one thousand strong on the Colorado, without pichcls, and only a small campground. My opinion is, that a detachment I sent lo reconnoitre the enemy, will attacl, him tonight. The detaduncnt was twenty in number, undc~r the command of Major Patton, my aid-de-camp. They arc amon~ Lhc best hearts of thl' army. Headquarters, Camp West of Brasos, April 3, 1836.
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