humanity, and Whereas Lhe mosl cnlightcnd and powerful nations of Christendom, arc exerting both their moral influence and phisical force lo suppress lhal odious and abominable traffic: and Whereas it is the imperative duly and the high priviledgc of Lhe Government of Texas lo contribute in all praclihlc and legitimate means lo the effectual prevention, i11 its own jurisdiction of a trade, so atrocious and dii;rcpuLable. Therefore I David G. Burnet Presidcnl of the Republic of Texas, by and with lhc advice and consent of my Cabinet, and in accordance with the 9th Article of the Constitution aforesaid do command and require all Officers naval and military and all collectors and other fuuctionaries of the Govt. lo be vigilant and active, in detecting and defeating any allempt to violate said article, and to siezc arrest and detain in safe custody, any person or persons that may be found violating or allempting lo violate the same, and to stop siczc, lal-.e poSl:icssion of and detain any vessel or vesscb, with their equipment tackle &c, and any boats other water crafts of any description attached thereto, on board of which any Africans or negrocs so attempted to be imported in contravention of the sai<I article, may be found, and lo detain ,my and all such ncgroei; wherever lo be found untill the furlhcr decision of the Govt, can be had in relation thereto. Provided that· any officer making i;uch seizures &c shall as soon ai; may be pracliblc report the same, with the relative facts, to the Sec of the Navy. Done at Harrisburgh this 3d day of April 1836 and of the lndcpcndancc of the Republic the first signed David G. Burnet [2553) [HOUSTON to CARSON]
Camp West of Brasos 3rd Apl l 836
My dear Friend
Your favors I thank you for-I am pressed with duty and oppreS8ed with cares and solicetudc. I am doing all in my power to organize the army and insure for the [illegible] the defence of the country. The day is not far distant I hope when we will act offensively. [ did not intend to charg1· you with rnwardicl', whl'n I deplored your leaving Wai;hington it was the l'ff<'l'l il producl'd on
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