in me, ha\'e ordered and decreed, and do hereby order and decree, that such commissions are, and are holden lo be altogether prospective, and of 110 positive force of effect untill the number of men corresponding lo the rank and command "-'.. such commissions, respectively, shall actually enroll themselves, and be rccievcd into the army of Texas: and untill the person so commissiont>d, shall report himself with an accrcdi led muster roll of his forces so raised, and introduced by him to the Sec of \Var of the Republic. And it is further ordered and decreed, that any person wether specially commissioned or not, who shall introduce into the military ser\'ice of Texais, for a period of one year or during the war with Mexico, any number of able bodied white men, exceeding 56 shall be entitled to a commission, with the pay and emoluments appertaining thereto in the following ratio to wit. He who shall introduce into the service of Texas, as afore.said, one thousand men, shall be entitled to the commission rank pay and emoluments of a Brigadier General, for the introduction of five hundred men to the commission of a Colonel for three hundred to that of a Major, and for fifty six to that of a Captain. Provided that no person, shall in virtue thereof be entitled to any pay rank or emoluments untill he shall have introduced at least fifty six men as aforesaid, and provided that the men so introduced shall enroll themselves into the service of Texas in the manner and on the terms expressed. Done at Harrisburgh this third day of April A D. 1836 and in the first year of the Independence of the Republic David G Burnet By the President Bailey Hardeman Act Sec of Stale [2552) [BURNET PROCLAMATION] Whereas the 9th Article of the general provision of the Constitution of the Republic of Texas provides that the importation or admi1-:sion of Africans or ncgroes in lo Lhi!- Rcpublic, exc<!pling from the United Stales of America, "is forever prohibited and declared lo he piracy" and Whereas the African :;Jave trade i:; equally revolting lo the best feeling:,; of our nature, and to the bPnign principles of the Christian faith, is equally dc~lrurlivc to national morals, aml lo lndivid1rnl
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