Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

You will please return here as soon as your presence at the ferry can be dispensed with. You will take care that the families which are still on the road be enabled to cross with as little delay as possible for we entertain a hope that as soon as these are in a place of safety the men will turn their faces to the enemy and then he will soon be routed and pushed across the Rio Grande.

In haste, Your ob't Sr., David G. Burnet, President of the Republic.


Executive Department Republic of Texas Harrishurg 3rd April 1836

Col Robert Triplett Sir

Under your powers, as General Agent in the United Stales, you will proceed, as means .ire obtained, to exercise a rca:sonablc discretion in purchasing and forwarding, all lhc supplies which, in your opinion, from your l:nowledge of the condition of our country, we may require; m; yet il is impossible to give specific instructions, and we musl of necessity, until, circumstances enable us to sec better the ground which we shall have to occupy. leave much to your own judgement and discretion. David G. Burnet [2551) [BURNET PROCLAMATION) Whereas. From the peculiar circumstances of Texas ma[ it necessary lo increase by all proper means, the phy:sical forces of the country: it has heretofore been thought c:-qwdi<"nl lo issue military commissions, lo individuals, lo promol<' this objt>el: and whereas ii is important lo place the military cstablishm<'nt of the country on a definite and permanent fouting. Now I David G. Burnet President of the Republic of Texas by and with th1• advice and consent of my Cabinet, and in pursuanc<' of authority vesl<'d


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