requests you to do so, Go to G- Island, laking on board such persons & freight as the Col may offer you. On Your arrival at G you will probably find the schooner Flash and the Hon. Secretary of the Navy on board. You report to him and await his orders but bearing in mind and suggest to Col Potter the great importance of returning as soon as may be to this place.
Your obt Servt David G Burnet President
(2548) [BURNET to MORGAN]
Harrisburg 3 April 1836
[To Col. James Morgan] [Beginning illegible]
... it is almost impossible lo procure wood for the Steamer Lazy hounds are lying about here as usual doing nothing - I will get the boat off in the morn(ing) I hope - She will have some families on board to be landed at Anahuac probably and will then proceed to G - provided the Seely of the Navy Shall not have reached your point. If you have or can get any boat this is su fficien l to land the Canon, the Steamer Should take her down al once. It is also important to commence operating at G - as soon as possible ... [illegible] .
Harrisburg, 3 April, 1836.
Dr. John Sutherland, Sir:
I have written to Mr. McLaughlin to repair to this place as soon as he is through with the press of business at the ferry and to leave two confidential men in charge of the ferry to assist the passage of other families coming on.
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