We shall attend a public meeting in Phila. on the 2d next month, and then proceed homeward, for, allho we are positively orderd by the instructions of Gov. Smith not lo do so until! directed by that Govt we arc compelled to believe that an order for our recall has been issued and detained by miscarriage. [To David G. Burnet) [Stephen F'. Austin] (2546) [IJURNET to HARDIN J
Executive Dcparlmcnl Harrisburg April 3rd 1836
Boni Wm Hardin Dear Sir
A fellow, by the name of Gillan, lately left the company of Abram Roberts (Rovers) having Capt. Rohertt;' horse and a pair of pistols of mine in his possession. He had gone lo Liberty and probably will push to the Sabine. 1 f you can have him arrested and sent to this place, 1 will thank you lo do so. In much haste Yours &e David G Burnet Since I scribbled the above, it has been told me that scoundrels are taking horses &c and on pretence of pressing for the public service and making for the Sabine. Do establish some police regulations, and take up and examine every fellow that 1rni;scs. Let no single man pass with a horse or Gun, press them, and take the names of all fugitives. Be energetic for nothing but energy will save the country.
David G 13umet President
(2547) [BURNET to HARRIS!
3,April 18:36
Capt Wm P Harris Sl«·amcr Cayuga Sir
You will Lake on board such p<'rl-io11s a/oi may be lwn· in waiting and proceed with tlwm tu Anahua<" lm1d llwm lherc. From tlwnce You will proc«~cd lo New Washin~ton and r«'.fH>rl Yourself lo Cul Morl!an and if lw r1'q11in·:--, a11CI if hr
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