In consideration of the evidence adduced the Court pronounced the prisoner John T. Garner "Guilty" of the several Charges & Specifications prefered against him. The court adjourned at 12 0 Ck. M. at 2 O.Clk. P.M. the court was again convened. Members all present, & proceeded to pass sentence upon the prisoners The Court Sentence the private A. Scales to suffer Death by Shooting on Monday next the 20th Inst. between the hours of IO O.Clk. A.M. & 3 0. Clk P . .M., & unanimously recommend the prisoner to the Commandtr in Chief for Mercy. The Court Sentence the private John T. Garner to Suffer Death by Shooting on Monday next the 20th Inst. between the hours of 10 0 Clk A.M. & 3 0. Clk P.M.; & unanimously recommend the prisoner to the Commander in Chief for mercy. And the Court adjourned.
Henry Milland president Jo. L. Bennett Capt J. Billingsley Capt W. Andrews 1st Lietenant E. L. Hale Lieut William S. Fisher Capt
Richd Roman Capt George M. Casey Lt Amasa Turner Capt R. T. Stewart Lieut J. W. Carpenter Lieut Wm W. Hill Capt
Attest Anson Jones Judge Advocate
The Commander in Chief having received the proceedings of the General Court Martial of which Lieut Col. H. Milland is president, approves the same, and orders the sentence to be executed tomorrow 4th inst at 12 oclock. The Capt Romans Company are ordered for detail to carry the sentence into effect.
Sam Houston Comd in Chief
In consideration of the peculiar state of mind in which the prisoner is known at times to be and certified by Surgeon W. M. Bomar, the General in Chief is inclined to receive the recommendation to
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