Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


Head Quarters, Camp on the Brazos April 2d 1836

To Col. John A. Wharton Adjt. Gen. Sir

A Court-Martial was this day convened agreeably to an Army Order of this date composed of the following commissioned officers viz: Col. Millard, President Captains Billingsley, Roman, Hill, Fisher, Bennett, & Turner 1st Lieut. Casey Andrews & Carpenter - - 2d. Lieut. Stewart & Haile. - . - - - ---------- Judge Advocate Anson Jones ---------- The Court was opened at 10 0 Clk A M. Members all present, & took the Oath prescribed in the articles of War of the United States. Private A. Scales had arraigned on the following Charges & Specifications viz: Charges & Specifications against private A. Scales of Compy. (B) Infty. Charge 1st Mutiny Specification 1st- That on or about the 25rh day of March last past the accused is charged with having brought his gun to a charge bayonet & cocking the same when loaded on his officer Lieut. Miller when in Lhe exercise of his duty - Specification 2d. For refusing to mount guard when regularly detailed (on the night of the 27th ~larch last past) for that duly. Charge 2d. Desertion: Specification 1st. For deserting from the guard house on the evening of the 27th March last past & secreting himself in Camp for the purpose of avoiding his duly (Signed) Amasa Turner, Captn. To all which charges & specification the accused plead "Nol Guilty" Lieut. Miller being duly sworn as a witness deposed: That in crossing with the Army from the post Oak wood on the


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