Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

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[Juan Jose Andrade, Bexar, to Ramon Musquiz, Bexar, April 2, 1836, giving instructions for establishment of communications since the regular mail has been interrupted by the revolution.]

[2537) [HOUSTON to MARTIN]

Head Quarters of the Army Campment of Brasos, 2 April 1836

Maj. Wylie Martin Fort Bend Dear Sr.

I have just been informed that some individuals in the neighbourhood of Fort Bend, and particularly part of family by the name of Johnson have openly declared, that they are determined to JOm the enemy at the first possible opportunity-under the protection of a white flag- You will please see intelligence in discovering the truth of this report, and upon its confirmation you are authorised and required to arrest them instantly, and send them to the Sect of Govl. at Harrisburg, with a copy of the charges against them- We remain without much news of interest for a few days past- Our spies arc actively engaged in ---------- the enemy- who moves but slowly-a deserter invaded in our camp, from that of the enemy last night- he confesses information before me as to numbers &c and places beyond a doubt, the fact of great dissatisfaction being provident in his camp-and their great want of the necessities of life-they have no bread stuffs whatever-and beef very scarce-I shall confidently rely upon you to place the point you now occupy in the best possible state of defence- in case the enemy should advance- and be active and vigilant to obser_ve his movements as within your power-

I have the honor to be your obt servt Sam Houston Comdr in Chief


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