[2531) [SHUFFLY to GREEN]
[S. Shuffly to T. J. Green, April 1, 1836, accepting an appointment as captain "in the second regiment of your Brigade, and will enter upon my duties as such immediately."] [2532} [Sl\HTH toHOUSTON]
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Prairie, opposite Thompson's Ferry east side of the Brassos, April 1st 1836.
To General Samuel Houston Commander-in-Chief of the Texas Army. Dear Sir,
This morning.the heads of families of this place, petitioned that I should remain here, until Colonel Montgomery could go lo Head Quarters and return relative lo their situation, to which I have consented, as there is a great deal of excitement and many leaving hourly, and a great number are willing to remain if a protections is given to them through the army. I have thirty two men under my command. My men are broken down for want of pack horses. I cannot press any unless you give me authority forth with. My health, sir, is very bad, so much so, that I can scarcely speak, being now under a full slate of salivation. I am willing however, to make every sacrifice to discharge my du Ly faithfully. Please favor me with an answer by the bearer, Colonel Montgomery.
I remain your humble servant, M. W. Smith · Lt. of the Cavalry
Harrisburg 1st April, 1836
Dear General
By Col. Rusk who leaves here in a few moments, I take the liberty of offering you my hearty congratulations on the opportu- nity which now presents itself to gratify an ambition which I am very sensible from what I know of your character has long been a darling wish of your heart. But you will give me credit for candor al the same time, in acknowleging my own selfishness, when I tell
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