protection, and, that it may be consislcnt wilh your inslructions, allow me to suggest that it appears lo me it can only be given by the presence of a detachment of troops advanced into the country to this point; for after the devastation shall have been made it is in vain lo talk of protection. I confess this is a question of great delicacy_, and I presume can only be solved by a reference lo a high authority. 13ut that in the case presented this authority has spoken I am induced to believe, and that your powers are adquale I have every confidence. Would a representation of their condition by the inhabitants and a request by them and the local authorities to you to occupy this place by a small body of troops, as essential lo prevent massacre and rapine, help the case, or be sufficien l for a movemenl on your part? I must apologize to you for the freedom of this letter, but the eireumslanees, which induced it preclude all ceremony, and then preasure will not allow me time for more than this hasty and unperfect scrawl. Mr. William B. P. Gaines, who will have the pleasure lo hand you this, is the gentleman deputed to converse with you on the various subjects of deep interest lo the people here, involved in the questions presented; and I beg leave lo make him known to you as a gentleman claiming every confidence, and on whose discretion and intelligence the utmost reliance may he placed. With great respect and consideration, I have the honor lo be your obedient servant,
John T. ~Jason.
General E. P. Gaines, Fort Jesup.
(2530] [SHARP to GREF:NJ
April I st 1836.
To Brigadier Genl. Thos. Jct'. Green, of th<' Texas Army. Dear Sir:
I accept the appoint of First Lieutenant of Captain A~rl F.
Ball, company of the Second Rq:i;imcnl of your Brigacl1~.
Very n·sprr.tfully, Your obi. Sl'rvt. J. L. ~harp
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