Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

the situation of the roads, and the starved condition of his horses & caltle. He has undoubtedly crossed the Colorado. About 80 men from the red lands an all Lhal have arrived & what hope to entertain of aid from that quarter, it is impossible to say. The effective force now here is 750 to 800 men. One death only has occurred caused by great exposure to sno and cold when crossing Mill Creek. The Lroops are in good health. From information received the evening after leaving San Felipe, the Comr-in-Chief ordered Peter Carr (the individual who brought the intelligence of the defeat of Co. Fannin into camp on Colorado) to be taken-a guard was sent to San Felipe and he was brought into camp next morning. A further communication from the Major General will accompany this.

I have the honor to be With high consideration Your most obt servt (signed) Geo. W. Hockley Inspection General

P.S. a few cases of measles have been reported an Hospital has been established on the other side of the Brasos and the men sent over to it.

(2526) [HOLT to BURNET]

To His Excellency David G. Burnet

Harrisburg Apl. 1st 1836


Having held the office of Quarter Master, for the post at La Bahia, and the officers and soldiers of that post, having laid down their lives in the defence of the Country and being desirous if I again enter the Service to do so as an officer, I therefore tender to you my resignation of Said office. I am Very Respectfully Your obt Servant David J. Holt


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