[2525] [HOCKLEY to RUSK]
Headquarters of the Army Camp on Brasos 1st April 1836
To The Hon. T. J. Rusk Secy at War Sir.
I am directed by the Commander in Chief to inform you of the movement of the army to this place since the last communi- cation to the Dept. of War. From the detention in crossing Mill Creek, the Army did not reach this encampment until last evening. It is now however in a secure and effective position with excellent water from a lake immediately ahead, and one of the most beautiful parts of the timber of the Brasos river which is ahead about ¾ of a mile off in the road leading to Col. Groce's ferry. The weather for the last four days has been wet, and the men have undergone great fatigue from that circumstance and the road being in many places almost impassable for our waggons-so soon as they can wash their clothing and arrange their arms of an entire organization of camp duty & discipline will be established & the camp reforms in order of battle, and the regular camp rule & duty performs this in some degree has been omitted since our march, as it has been in several instances a forced one, it has however been conducted with much order under the curcumstances of the case & with credit to the exertions of the Officers & obedience of the men-the Steam Boat Yellow Stone captn-is at Croce's landing taking in cotton. The Commander in Chief directed her to be taken in charge for the use of the army in case it should be necessary to descend the river rapidly to act upon the enemy. Maj. Cooke and a sufficient guard are now on board and she will be detained until her services can safely be dispensed with. She is nearly loaded with cotton. Last evening the Commander in Chief received information from Captain Moseley Baker who has command at San Felipe, of the arrival of two of his spies who report that the enemy have crossed the Colorado at Atiscosita crossing and were then in order of march. This information roused the army to an enthusiasm which showed with what feelings they wanted meet his approach, but later last night, other spies arrived_at this encampment, who were also near that point, and from their report the Maj. General is lead to believe the enemy-should the report prove to Le correct, he cannot reach this place if such is his intention for some days, from
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