our defensible situalion; fifty miles of Canaling will unite the waters of the Rio Grande with those of Galveston harbor. Until further orders, I shall direct such supplies and men as may he under my control to Galveston harbor We will have succor, timely·and ample succor lo drive our enemy from our country and dictate our own terms of peace With sentiments of high regard I subscribe myself, Your very Obedient & Zealous Servant Thos. Jef. Green, Brig. Genl. of the Texas Army. [2524] [GREEN to CHESTER]
April 1, 1836
To Robert Chester of the Texas Army Dear Sir,
Your acceptance of the appointment of Colonel of the first regiment of my brigade, in the army of the Republic of Texas, has been received, and it gives me pleasure to assure you that your standing honor & patriotism arc the surest guaranties that the appointment is well enforced- and I do, & by these presents (by authority vested in me by the government of Texas, promise & oblige myself to confirm all such appointments of officers, which you may make in your regiment. These commissions to begin date from the time you may make such appointments, respectively. and from which dates their pay & rations and vocations will take effect. So soon as you may be able to march two or more companies you will cause them you will cause them to assemble at New Orleans, . from which place they will rendesvouz at 1-larrisburgh in the municipality of Austin. You will take care to have such arms & horses as your men will be able to bring into service, appraised & an inventory rcpt of the same for the use of the Government.
Respectfully, Tho. J ef. Green
True Copy, T. D. Gibbs, Aid de camp Brig Gen! of the Texas army.
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