Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

permanent name & character; opprcs.,ion, has compeled her lo take this bold and dareing step, hoping and believing that we will be recei\'cd and recognized by all civilized Nations on Earlh. - will be adopted this day the constitution, by which the free & soverign people of the Rep11blic of Texas will in future be governed, as soon as I can obtain a copy of the same, I will forward it lo you. - March 12th War, with the Mexicans is now raging on our Frountiers in all its fury, nol more than 200 miles west of this place San Anna is at the head of a large army who declares that they extend to drive every rebel out of Texas, and he the Genl. intends to make this Town his head Quarters, he will no doubt meet with a warm reception, our boys take up their rifles as cool & deliberate, as though they were going into woods to kill a deer, and repair to the field or seat of War. i\fany volunteers are dailey coming to our assistance from the U.S. - our cause is I think sure, of success therefore you will please give yourselves no concern on my account. - If you write to me, direct to me, at Brazoria Republic of Texas, to the care of Messrs. Jas. Reed & Co . .Merchants N. Orleans via. N. Orleans, and I shall soon get it. - my health has been bad since I have been here, and I ,Hite in the convention room where there is at least 60 members doing business. I hope you can read it. I hope you are all well and that I shall hear from you again soon. - You will please accept of the warm Aff eclions of

Your Brother A. Brigham

[Mr.] S. & Mrs..S. Howe Marlborough [Mass.]

[2277] [BROOKS to HAGARTY]

Fort Defiance, Goliad Texas, March 9, 1836

My dear friend:

I have written to you several times since my arrival in Texas; but, as I have received no answer from you, I presume my letters have miscarried. An opportunity now occurs of forwarding to Matagorda, whence it will more probably be shipped to New Orleans, than by the usual route, now infested by the enemy. A brief retrospect of our heretofore bloodless campaign, will perhaps, be interesting to you. I write in great haste, and may



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