Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

fullest conversation with the President and cabinet officers (see my letter presenting You to Mr. Forsythe) I say desired, this You can ascertain by sayin[g] to Mr. Forsythe that if it is desirable by the Govt. You are instructed to hold the fullest and freest conversation-should there by any manifestations of reluctance on the part of the Sec of State to hear (which I cannot anticipate) a dignified elevation due to this Republic must mark Your course. Mr. Childress can approach the President in the event alluded to through the medium of old acquaintance and personal Friendship and effect the object. Your own minds will suggest the course most proper to pursue as the Govt. cannot anticipate occurrences which might make it necessary to deviate from strict instructions and therefore leave lo You the management of the subject with full confidence that the dignity and honor of Your country will be fully maintained and advanced Yours respt Sam P. Carson (2518) [CARSON to FORSYTH]



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Dept of State Texas Harrisburg Apl 1st 1836

To the Honble John Forsyth

Secretary of State of the United States of North America Sir

Allow me to present to you and recommend to Your consideration. The Honbles Messrs George C. Childress and Robt Hamilton special agents of this Republic, to the Govt of the United States. They are directed to communicate freely with the Executive Government of the United States upon the subjects with which they are charged. May I ask that you present them to the President and heads of department in such a manner as may be suited to the station they occupy

With considerations of the most profund respect I have the honor to be Your obliged & humble Servant Sam P. Carson Sect of State


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