Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

the behalf of Lhis Republic againsl Lhe righl of ~lcxico lo sell or the U.S. to purchase; setting forth in full the declaration of lndependance. It is desirable by the President and Cabinet that the three commissioners Mcssers Austin, Archer & Wharlon, apointed by the provisional Govt should be associated with yourself and Mr. Hamilton and their aid and exertions requested in obtaining a recognition of our Independancc. You will say to those Gent after explaining the course of the convention with regard lo the loan that the Executive Govt has ratified the loan with modifications. I cannot detail the modifications because of my bad health when the, arrangement was agreed on it is such however as seems lo be quite satisfactory

I have the honor to be Your Obt Servt Sam P. Carson



Stale Dept Texas Harrisburg April 1st 1836

(Private Instructions) To Special Agents of the Republic To the 1-lonbls. George C Childress and Robt Hamilton. Gentlemen

The objects of Your n11ss1011 were so fully explained to You before Your departure by the Government that nothing further on that subject need be said I hope to Join You in a short time after this reaches You, when full explanations will be given. By a private letter of this date You arc advised of the wishes of the Govt with regard Lo the .Minister from Mexico resident near the Govt of the U.S. You will use every means and arguarnent privately with the officers of Govt. and the Senators and representatives to Congress which may be suited to the advancement of the objects in view. If desired hold the frcecst and


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