Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

portion of the public dom~in, and it i~ equall_Y obvio~s, that you gentlemen, and your associates, were m ~ow1se deceived by this unauthorized agreement, inasm1;1~h a_s thei_r. ex~ress stipulation is contained in the contract, requmng 1t~ ratrf1cation_by the govern- ment of Texas, before it should be obligatory on either party: and as you reserve even after such prospective ratification should be had, the anomalous privilege of Extending the principal loan to the whole amount contemplated or of restricting it to the ten pr. centum of that loan which had been actually paid. 6th. Thal the Executive Government entertain serious doubts of their legitimate power to alienate by absolute title any portion of the public lands. 7th. That in view of these considerations and others which might be well added to them, we feel that justice to ourselves, a due regard to the high interests of the country, and a necessary providence in the administration of its financial resources at this important crisis, constrains us to decline the specific ~atification of the loans so negotiated with you, and your several assotiates: and to propose instead thereof to refund the whole amount of money which you and they have advanced, with interest thereon at the rate of twenty pr cent pr anum. That such repayment of principal and interest be made in two equal instalments to wit: the one half in six months and the rest due in twelve months from this date, and for the payment thereof I do hereby with the advice and consent of my Cabinet Pledge the faith and credit of the Republic. [2516] [CARSON to CHILDRESS and HAMILTON]

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State Dept Texas Harrisburg April 1, 1836

Honorable George C. Childress and Robt Hamilton Gentleman

Special Agents to the U.S. - - (Private)

We have learned that a minister Plenipotentiary has been sent by the Govt of Mexico to the U.S. Rumor says tlrnt one object of this mission is to sell Te_xas to tha~ Govt. . Immediately on your arrival you WJU try and ascertain tlus and if true you will enter your solemn protest in the name & on


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