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the sections aforesaid arc to be surveyed, as near as may be with the Cardinal points and in squares, having regard to the necessary variation to be produced by bounding on Rivers and other adjoining surveys. Furthermore, so much as may be purchased of individuals, Citizens of Texas, shall be settled as follows: within Len years from this time, there shall be at least one setter upon the same, for every twelve hundred and Eighty acres. It is understood that the scrip, before the land is surveyed and the grants or titles for the same afterwards issued, shall be considered on the footing of personal property, and transferable as Script or Bank Stock may be transfered by the laws of the Republic or as set forth in the Contracts for the Loans aforesaid. It is the intention of the Executive lo give to the Executors, Administrations or Assigns of Aliens, such power lo dispose of the land aforesaid, as shall prevent its being beyond the reach of purchasers at any time- Therefore il is understood that the same shall be subject lo sale in the same manner as goods and chattels generally are; and when sold by the Original proprietor, his Executor or administrator, the purchaser shall have all the rights under the assignment or transfer, which the original proprietor had. The deeds for land bought of individuals as hcreinbefore set forth, shall be recorded in any designated office, hereafter to be named by Congress and in the mean time when the said transfers are recorded in other offices, a report thereof shall be made to the office of the Secretary of State, and his acknowledgment of such report shall be necessary to make said Record valid: And in case the Amount of said one hundred thousand dollars shall be exceeded in purchases of individuals to the Amount of the surplus thereof, the same shall be void, null and of no effect. The Scrip aforesaid shall be issued lo the said Contractors when prepared and presented by them for signature, in a neat and proper form and after their signatures arc affixed, to this agreement or it shall be issued to those who shall al any time have signed it in the rates of their interest in said Contracts, provided they agree to the terms hereof within sixty days after the publications of notice of this agreement in the City of New Orleans. And when the holder of any of tlw aforesaid scrip shall under the terms of this agreement, file the same tog1\thcr with the boundaries of the lands intended lo be covered by said scrip, in
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