(2510) l TEXAS LOAN J
Whereas Branch T.Archer, Wm. H. Wharton and Stephen F. Austin, Commissioners on behalf of the "Provisional Government of Texas" obtained money from certain individuals in the United States, upon lwo Loans one for two hundred thousand dollars-the other for fifty thousand dollars, upon conditions, apart of which the Government of Texas are desirous of being released from by giving an equivalent therefor Now in consideration of the said Lender agreeing to have the Loans redeemed in land at fifty cents per acre with the privilege of locating the same on ar"1y vacant land held at any time by the Government or which may accrue to the Government except by purchase or donation, and holding the said land on the same conditions that they are held on by the Citizens of Texas, the Lenders or their assignees residing where they please and the relinquishment by the said Lenders of all the other conditions of said contracts, except the mode of Lransfering script and titles- The Government of Texas agrees to give a premium of thirty two leagues of Land to be divided between the two Loans aforesaid in proportion to their amounts, the Takers of the First or two hundred thousand dollars Loan, relinquishing their priority of location over the Takers of the Second or fifty thousand dollars loan and everyone else; and furthermore, relinquishing their right to take more of it, than lo the amount paid us. By way of being more explicit, the Takers of the Two hundred thousand dollars loan, gel four shares of the Premium and the Takers of the fifty thousand dollars loan one share. The said premium to be divided into shares of Six hundred and forty acres, as the ballanee is now held, and all lo be held upon the same terms, with the privilege of locating wherever vacant or Government land as aforesaid can be obtained. The understanding is furthermore, that if said Scrip shall, at any time be laid on land to which the Government has not the prior right, the same may be removed to other land; and the said Lenders may also buy of individuals, land to the Amount of one hundred thousand dollars. And hold the same upon the same terms, as the former named land except as to settlement, as hereinafter set forth. Provided however, no such purchase shall be made. within twelve months from this dale. It is understood that
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