Barbarism and Fanaticism; where laurels are Lo be gathered, and glory and immortality are to be won; where a new and brilliant star is bursting upon their sight to add its lustre to the splendid galazy of American Republics; and where, after they have sustained the liberties and achieved the independence of the people, they will find a home in the richest and most beautiful country on the face of the globe, or perhaps, in the fulness of years, revisit a powerful, prosperous and happy nation, that will hail them with grateful acclamations of universal joy, as its political benefactors and saviours. Therefore if you, or any of your friends and acquaintances should be inclined to aid our cause in the manner set forth in this communication, I should by happy to hear from you al where I shall be after the of and, in the meantime, I have the honor to be most respectfully,
Your ob'l serv'l. [Thomas J. Chambers]
[ March, 1836]
I Davecl A. Hoffman, Alcalde of the Municipality of Nacogdoches, in accordance with a request from the Committee of Vigilence & Safety of Nacogdoches, de hereby require and Command all the Citizens of the Municipality, Subject to Militia duty, to Come forward on or before Saturday the 19th inst. and Enroll themselves. The object of the Enrollment is to Enable Me to make a draft for the protection of our rights, after the following plan, one third of the whole force, (not including the volunteers enrolled to March to the Army,) Will be required to March immediately, one third al the Expiration of three Months, or Sooner if the emergencies of Country ·Shall require it, and the last third, al Such time at the affairs of the Country require their Services l Endorsed:] No. 870 Public Notice of a Meeting of the Citizens.
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