Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


consecrated ashes, but Lhe supcrstructur1'. shall IJc cemented with the blood of your murderers; and posterity, whilst il hears their names ,~ith a th_rill of horror,_ will repeal yours in hymns of praise 3:> the first glorious martyrs Ill a holy struggle, which gave fresh VIgor and new guarantees to the civil liberties of man, and birth and independence to a new nation. It is expected that the despot will allcmpt to advance immediately into the heart of Lhe country lo murder and butcher our families, and devastate our homes. Let him come! If he has made for our intrepid brethren and countrymen a Thermopylae at Bexar, he shall also find in Lhe plains of Texas a Marathon and a Plataea. The bones of the barbarians shall bleach upon the fields theydesolate! I have given you a rapid sketch of the origin and present stale of our diffculties with Mexico. I feai- I have been prolix and tedious; but as I have perceived that this maller has not been well understood, I have considered it a duty I owe you on making an application you you to embark an interest in our cause, to make manifest its justness. I will now proceed to <levelope to you the precise object of this communication. You will perceive by the enclosed printed copies of a decree of the Government of Texas, and of the consequent commission, that I have been appointed to raise, arm, equip, provision and take command of an "Army of Reserve, f_or the protection of the liberties of Texas," and that I am authorised t? raise the means upon the faith of the country, lo carrf tlus important measure into effect. Active op~ratio_ns are ma~mg lo raise the army, and in a short time nothmg will be lackmg but supplies, lo enable me to put it i~1 r:noti~n. I have, tl~erefore, thought proper lo circulate subscnpt10n hsts for loan::. t~ the government of Texas; and whoever may be disposed to aid an oppressed people and contribute to same th~m from · · b k" n1·ar)' ·1clv·111ces of this nature, extermmat1on, y ma mg pecu . • • . h th I Or Small shall receive negollable bonds, or w e er arge , ' d · certificates in which the public faith of Texas sh~II be pledge tor the a me,nt of the same, with a reasonable mtercsl; and the boncis ~hall be made receivable for debts due the government for



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