Col. Fannin should he reinforced so as Lo he able to come out and meet the Enemy-with his prcsenl force and means he cannot do so.-the forces of Texas must be concentrated-one bold front should be presented to the Enemy by doing of which you compel him to do the same and thereby gain time to organize and provide means for carrying on the war-without which from the panic now existing ruin must be the inevitable result-The war is no longer a partizan one but a National one-all-all will unite against Texas under the present declaration.- ~ly present situation is the only appology I can offer for not making this communication in proper person as well as delivering those of Col. Fannin.- I have the honor to be your most obt, servt. F. W. Johnson (2274] [REES to BURCH]
Fort Defiance Laberdee Texas March 8th 1836
Dear Sir,
I avale my self of the opitunity of addrising you a few lines to let you know that I am well & harty I am at this time stationed at Laberdee on the St. Antone river the Enemy is at hand we Expect to be attacked every hour they have arrived at St. Antone six thousand troops & have been Fighting the American Troops for the last fifteen days we received an Exprese this Evening that the americans have not had a man kiled & only three slightly wounded there is about two hundred that has possession of the Fort & will keep possesion of it if there aminition holds out till they can be reenforced the citizens of texas is turning out to a man the Mexicans has got possesion of Sanpertrisio & are consentrating there troops & fortifying that place. Coln. Johnson with about Twenty men was attacked at that place in the knight and only four or five made there Escape and John Love was one of the men Doctor Hart that lived Doct Brodnax was seen to fall in the street & has not been heard of since Rubin Brown & Coln. Grant with about thirty men was attacked in a open perary & Both of them fel and all of there men that was not killed was taken prisoners I have not time to write you the particulars I wish you to attend to my business & not let my famly want for any
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