[2499) [POTTER lo BELL]
Republic of Texas i\larch 31st 1836
To Thomas B. Bell Esqr. Sir,
The Government having determined to fortify Velasco despatched Gcnl Warren D. C. Hall to that point, instructions, as commandant of the post, lo proceed forthwith lo establish a Garrison there, and Lo collect laborers, teams, and materials, for the purpose of constructing with all possible expedition, the contemplated works-on arriving al Velasco Genl. Hall found it impossible lo assemble troops or laborers; such was the panic produced by the late relrogade movement of the army that every body was flying, each seeming intent 011 his own individual safety lo the exclusion of the public defence. in this slate of things Genl. Hall left Velasco with the view of aiding in fortifying and defending Galveston harbor, despairing of being able lo execute the orders he had recicved to fortify Velasco. Your arrival lo day however, with a list of brave and patriotic men who have pledged themselves lo defend Vclasco, clears away the difficulties mentioned and leave no doubt of our being able lo fortify and defend the mouth of the Brasos-for this you are entitled lo the thanks of the Government, and rest assured that in time to come your efforts and those of your gallant friends will be duly appreciated by a grateful country. The offer of service by yourself and friends to fortify and defend Velasco is accepted, and as soon as communication can be had with the other members of the Government, a Captain's commission will be sent you lo authoris<> you to organise your friends into a company and he constituted a part of the army of the Republic of Texas. Genl. Hall will rdurn lo Velasco as soon as he is informed of the stand you have taken; but in the mean time you are rcqucstrd and authorised to take command and proceed immediately lo collect laborers, teams &c for constructing fortifications-in the emergency of the present crisis men who are not willing, must be compe.l/P.d, to dcfcncl the country, and when other m~thod~ fail, you mu~! resort to !ht• strong alternative of pressing teams, laborers and all other nrnllc-r which may be required fur the public safety. Col. F.clwd. 11:m·ourt an exrwricnccd and scientific c11~inc~1\r has bcc·n orckrc-d to V1·la~ro
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