Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

from the army &c-and be assured of my best wishes for your better health-remaining Most truly Yrs.

J Morgan.

Hon Sarni. P. Carson


At a meeting of the NATCHEZ FENCIBLES, held at Rowland's, on Wednesday evening, 30 inst. the following resolu- tions were adopted, and ordered to be printed. Resolved, That Captain Quitman be excused from the duties of his commission, so long as he may deem his presence necessary, to advance the glorious cause which he has so noble espoused,- and may the God of Battles speed and protect him in his course. Resolved, That although we hail with heartfelt pleasure, this instance of our beloved commander's high-toned, chivalrous and patriotic feelings, and the deep sense of duty which calls him out from amongst us to the tented field,- yet we cannot but deeply regret his loss, (we hope it is but for a short time) as a Citizen, Fencible, Friend. Resolved, That Gen. Huston he excused from his duties as Fencible, while engaged in the more enviable duties devolving upon him as a soldier and friend of Texas-and may God speed him to a successful issue. Resolved, That Capt. Quitman, and Gen. Huston be requested to meet the Fencibles on the day of their departure for Texas, at the Court House in Natchez, that they may have an opportunity of bidding them farewell. Resolved, That John M. Ross, Esq. be appointed to address Capt. Quitman and Gen. Huston, on that occasion, for the purpose of expressing the feelings of the Company on their departure. Resolved, That a parade be called, for the purpose of escorting Capt. Quitman and Gen. Huston to the landing, on the day of their embarcation for the land where liberty is now aiming a death-blow at religious despotism. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the papers of this city, signed by the first Lieutenant and Secretary.

Mark lzod, 1st Lieut. E. Pinkerton, Sec'y. Natchez, March 31, 1836


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