Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

me for my anxiety and mental pain.

Sam Houston. P.S. I have somewhere between seven and eight hundred effective men. Two nigh ts since, when it was reported that the enemy were on this side of the Colorado, the citizens of San Felipe reduced it to ashes. There was no order from me for it. I am glad of it, should the enemy march there. Our troops have suffered much from heavy rains and dreadful roads.

[2497} . lMORCAN to CARSON]

New Washington 31st March 1836

Dear Sir,

I send Mr Sherman, my young man up to day, for the purpose of closing the contract for the Schooner Kosciusko's going for supplies to N. Orleans-He has the charter party with him properly drawn up & will receive your orders. The Vessel is already & can sail on Saturday, or Sunday if a delay of a day longer is required. I have drawn up a form of a paper to be signed by all who are disposed to go in for the loan of five thousand dolls.-which there will be no necessity of, I presume if the contract with the gentlemen the Govt was negotiating with, has been made. I send a form of a letter to go, which the President can alter or draw up in any other way he may suggest-and a note we all will have to sign. An order for the supply's needed by the vessels return must be made out, which can be sent to me & I will enclose it to my correspondents in N. Orleans-Messrs James Reed & Co. and who will execute it faithfully. J woud recommend that House, in future, to transact the Govt. business in N. Orleans-They are young men active & in the best credit. The right kind of Agents for Texas. The President is well acquainted with Mr. Reed. Mr Hart, his partner, was raised by J\1r Gregory in N. 0., a very worthy young man. It is known to me that they have as much capital at command as they can use in any way-and I believe have such confidence in me, that they will feel di:sposed, al any time, to lend us any aid within their power that may be m;kecl for through my recommendations. I wish Mr Sherman to return early tomorrow-I cannot go to Hsburg myself, havin~ ::;o much preparation lo make for Galvcl-ton & four prisoners here to :sc<.' to. Let me~ know what ha::; been clone ahoul lht· Steam 0oat the new:,;


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