Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


Laceys Colorado 8th. Mar. 1836

To the Genl. Convention of Texas, Gentlemen,

I hasten to inform you of the disaster of my party at San Patricio and also of that of Col. Grant on the 2nd. Inst.-which I have by Don Placido who was in company with Col. Grant when attacked-Grants party of 26 men were attacked some 15 miles from San Patricio by a party in ambush-At the onset the party were thrown into disorder and soon became an easy prey to the enemy owing to their superiority of numbers-but two of Grants party escaped-Grant himself a prisoner-of my party which consisted of only 25 men four escaped.-1 have from Placido that the Enemie's strength is from 1000 to 1200 men about 200 of whom had advanced as far as Refugio on the 1st-I left Goliad on the 3d. and arrived in Victoria on the 4th where I found but fifteen Volunteers- the people are much alarmed and unless some efficient measures are taken the whole of the settlements west of Colorado will be broken up-all-all have left Labaca & Navidad-But a part of the provisions at Coxes point & Dimitts have been taken off- that part remaining is in great danger of being cut off by the Enemy-Their first object will be to secure Copano, keep a few troops at Refugio and with the main body attack Goliad or advance into the Country-from the best information I get it is Ureah that has advanced by the lower route and Seisma on Bejar-Santa Anna is in Monclova with from 3 to 4000 men with a heavy train of battering & field artillery.- The success of the Enemy at San Patricio and easy entrance into Bexar will stimulate them to turn out and march freely into Lhe Country-Heretofore they have refused- The keeping of Garrisons at a time like this is to deprive the Country of the services of those in Garrison-the Enemy can pass Bexar and Goliad with impunity as soon as they may think proper.- Action, the united action of the whole people is necessary to the salvation of the country-


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