r2494l [HALL to BUH.NET)
Harrisburg March 31, 1836.
l\'lr President
My visit here, was, with a belief that, the acts of the commissioners appointed by the Provisional Government to visit the U States for the purpose of obtaining a loan &c., had been spread before you, and that the appointment of Wm IJryan of New Orleans as General Agent to receive all monies, donations &c. for the Government hold correspondence, pay all Drfls, drawn by the purchasing agent, and that myself, as purchasing agenl, lo make all purchases, charter all vessels, and forward all supplies, required by the Government, was all well known to you, and what was my astonishment to learn that no communication had been recd & that Mr. Bryan & myself were not even known by the Government. after having made all the purchases, charterd Vessels, forwarded supplies, &c &c. on the Faith of the Govt. of Texas, pledged by their Commissioners, after having used the Government paper as long as it would be taken, we then pledged our own responsibilities & advanced cash to facilitate the urgent wants of the Government. The drafts were given with an assurance by me, that the Govt would ratify the Loan made by Commissioners, and the money would be paid into the Bank of Orleans subject to the Drfts of the General Agent. The Books and papers of the Agency have been at all times open to the Inspection of all respectable citizens of Texas and I believe have been approved. With this statement I have only to request, that the Government will protect this agency thus far & if they should be found worthy, continue their confidence I have the Honor to be Your Obt Servant Edward Hall [addressed:] To the President of the Republic of Texas
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