Agency of Texas New Orleans March 31st 1836
To His Excellency the Governor & Hon Council, or Convention of Texas Gcntn,
under date of 4Lh "No 15" I had the honour to advise you of Lhe sailing of Equity, under dale 16th of "No 16" of the present made from Cincinnati of two field peices complete, sent per Pensylvania, by which vessel our Mr Hall left for Texas to consult with you in regard to public business &c. We have now the pleasure to advise you of the sailing of the Congress, with volunteers & 235 Kegs Powder a few muskets & 1000 lbs Lead. We heard after the Sehr had left the City that you were in want of the last named article, & dispatched a Boat after the vessel, with all we could obtain in time. You will receive a supply by next vessel & also more powder. We are in great excitement at the loss of Bexar, & every thing purchased has to be done on private credit, news of success will change the face of affairs. I shall make every effort to forward supplies. But without a dollar of money, & the government credit constantly depreciating, I can do but little. Could I but have it at this moment in my power to assure the public that the Loan will be evenh1ally paid into this office, I could forward almost any amount of supplies. Outstanding demands arc constantly pressing me, & I have been obliged to put them off-from clay to day, until I am ashamed to meet the government Creditors. You could hardly estimate the unpleasant and unfortunate situation in which I have been placed, by the delay of Lhc transmition of funds to the office. It has as deeply affected me, as the public credit-I confidently rely upon you to sustain me, without your assistance & full confidence, I fear I have sacaficed myself for the welfare of Texas. I trust Mr Hall has arrived & proved to you the necessity of an immediate attention lo the public Interests here I have Lhe honour to be Yours Respectfully Wm Bryan General Agent [addressed:] To His excclly the Governor or Acting Governor of Or the Hon Council Texas
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