nothing by being here or in New York wilh out having a declara- tion of independence to shew Again we conjure you to prcs1!vere and sustain the public credit until we can relieve you which shall be as soon as possible S. F. Austin. W. H. Wharton B. T. Archer-Corns. for Texas. [2492) [AUSTIN to WOLFE]
Washinglon March 31, 1836
J.M. Wolfe Esqr Dr Sir,
We presume you have seen in the papers an account of the defeat of the Mexicans at fort Alamo, in San Antonio, and that San tana is at the river Nuecis with a large force etc We have also information of all that can probably be effected at New York-and shall go there in a few days- The zeal and patriotism with which you have advocated the cause of your adopted country has encouraged us to request that you will proceed with as little delay as possible-to Charleston south Carolina, and do all you can to procure Men and money for our cause- The actual invation of Texas by San tana requires the most prompt Measures, and we believe that immediate presence of an agent in the southern States is all important, We therefore hope that your business will enable you to leave N. Y. for Charleston without delay- We do not wish you to stir the subject of a public meeting at Philadelphia or N. York, so that you need not delay one moment on that account- Any funds you may be able to collect in the southern States, you will please deposit with Wm Bryan the Texas agent in N. Orleans. In N. orleans you will find letters from us to the Texian Govt. to he taken on by you, in case you should arrive there before us. [Stephen F. Austin.)
I'. I' I' ' f.
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