Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

better Judomcnt for new consideration and hope and ever pray that " d . you may proceed to such measures as you may cam JUSt

G. B. Franks

[Addressed:] G. C. Childress, Esq. Washington Texas Politeness Capt. Taylor (2272]


Agency of Texas New Orleans \\'larch 8th 1836

To His Excellency the Governor & Hon Council of Texas Gentn

I have the pleasure to advise you of the charter of the Sehr Equity Capt ~lartin, to convey about one hundred Volunteer Emigrants under Charge of Capt Allen to Copano, or Matagorda as may be dcsireable, I also enclose a statement Invoice of the expenses for which Capt Allen has receipted, which receipts will be forwarded with quarterly accounts. I have had to pay a high charter, being obliged to obtain credit, the General Agcn t being at this time largely in advance to this government, I find it extremely dificult to make purchases upon the agency paper, and unless the General Agent is soon pul in funds, the credit of the government will be lost; The late news of the advance of Santa Anna, has had a strong & unfavorable influence upon my purchases. It is extremely unfortunate tha~ the government had not at this critical moment funds here, as I should be enabled to make purchases of provisions that at this moment must be much wanted. The General Agent & myself have pledged our private credit, to obtain ship Bread from Cincinnati & New York (all the Bakers here being engaged for the Florida army by the U States) One hundred thousand pounds has been ordered, part of which may be expected in a month at this port. If it can be obtained it will be of immense advantage in the coming campaign-Every exertion has been used lo forward men & supplies, but as we are now situated it is extremely dificult to forward men, and almost impossible lo give satisfaction either to the Government, or Volunteers I have the llonour to be Yours Respeetfully &c Edward Hall P. agl


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