New Washington March 30th. 1836
Dear Sir,
Among the prisoners sent you last evening, is a sailor fellow by name of Robt. Run- a trifling devil, of little account anyway; & as I undersland, not a prisoner, thal can be exchanged away-nor a deserter. with the •······ at all. If I can make him useful by setting him to work, as a sailor, had J not but do so- or send him out of the country in the •··-·-··· He will be an expense to the Counlry to keep him in chains & feed him all the time. Please suggest it to the Cabinet, as I understand the Sec. War has left for the army-and let me know immediately. I believe I shall stop the people so much des•-·· to fly on the other side the Bay-All that I have heard from are my friends of joining you & going to Galveston Island-Many with their familys- Arms-Horse & all! Believe I shall soon have all population of male & female there. What think you of having a small establishment signed up for you.r family this summer'? You know you can command me to any way I can drive you there. I think M. B. could not but be pleased with the island & sea air. Spilman must have gone to Hsburg with Capt H- He was not there yesterday at all. Pray let me hear what is doing with the S. Boat- What has been done about the loan &c. I shall send that got to Hsburg thurday-arn too much engaged preparing here, & I shall have a first rate flatt Boat for landing Heavy Artillery & etc. at the Island- I will be finished by Monday next.
With every respect, Truly, Yrs, J Morgan
D. G. Burnet Esq.
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