treated as devils, rather than Christians. Tell them, we have sworn lo be free, and free we will be. Tell them to come to our country which is the finest upon the face of Gods, earth which no tongue or language can describe. Inform them of the advantages in so doing, of our munificent land bounties, of our fat cows and hogs-Now is the time for cnterprize and honor and fortunes, tell them to come and share it with us. Every man who may join in our struggle will be well paid in money and land, more bountyfully than by any other nation on the globe. And every man will be entitled to rank and commission in my Brigade in proportion to the number of men he may bring into the field·. Provisions will be made in Orleans to forward men on to this greatest land of ours.
Your obt Respt. Servt T. J. Green. Tirig. Genl. of the Texas Army.
[2486) lHALL to RUSK]
-----Grove l\farch 30th 1836
To Thos. I. Rusk Esq. Dear Sir ·
The retreat of Genl. Houston has produced such a universal consternation in the lower country as to render it impracticable to carry on the fortification at Velasco- The inhabitants are all leaving the brassos & refuses to render the aid necessary to defend the object-I now consider the Brassos as our Fronteer and entirely exposed below to the enemy have therefore thought best to order all the current ammunition together with every •----of public properly to be taken around to the east end of Galveston Island-there to remain to orders from your department
I have the Honor to be Very Respectfully yours Warren D. C. Hall Col Comdt.
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