[2483] [CARSON to MORGAN]
Stale Dept.
Harrisburg ~larch 30th 1836
To Col James 1''1organ Dear Sir
I shall wish to send Govt despatches to our agents in the U.S. by your vessel, & if necessary would be glad you would detain her until Sunday
I will unto you soon again In haste Sam P. Carson
[2484) [GREEN to GREENJ
March 30th 1836
Dear Sir:
You are at liberty to inform any of your friends, that they will be entitled to a commission in my Brigade, in proportion to the number to men which they may respectfully bring in to the field; out headquarters at which we will rendezvous until further orders will be al "Ha~risburg in Austin_Colony." Very Respectfully Your Obt. Sevt Thos Jeff. Green Brig. Genl. of the Texas Army (Addressed:] Caleb Green, Exqr. Present [2485) [GREEN to MCCALL)
March 30th 1836
To Adolphus T. McCall, Dear Sir:
When you go home inform your countrymen of our struggle for liberty. Tell them the ruthless murderer is upon our soil- that aJl the rights of freemen are disregarded-Tell them our women have been assaulted our virgins defiled and our men
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