Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

I have concluded to draw on you through Hamby and Lusk for a small amount of money which I can use profitably. I have [tear] know [tear] such an order. I hope you will be able to honor it. I am still in the employment of the Government and shall remain so at present. I heard from Thompson yesterday by a gentleman direct from the army. He is in good health and spirits-give yourself no uneasiness on his account or mine. Say the same to mother. Write me often and send papers direct to San Felipe until I . advise you otherwise. That is the most central point. Business calls me away and I must close, but will write again soon.- My love lo mother, brother and sisters and all remembrance to all friends and acquaintances- Affectionately yrs E. M. Pease (2477) [RUSK to MORGAN]

War Department Harrisburg, 29 March 1836

To Col. Morgan

Sir: Information has reached this Department that three persons, to wit, Franks, Cooper and Morrison are at point Bolivar. They are all three said to be dangerous men and well acquainted with all the passes of Galveston. Some of them have been with Thompson. -At a time like this we must guard our Coast well.-You will therefore see that those men are arrested and held to answer charges to be prefered against them, and prevented from being of service to the Enemy.


Respectfully yours Thos. J. Rusk Sec. at War

[Addressed:] Col J. Morgan New Washington


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