consolation of an order, or instruction, either from yourselves or the commissioners. My situation is extremely embarrassing, & calculated to throw me into a position, which will prove highly disadvantageous to me. J again earnestly call your atten lion to the situation of the agency-The message of his Excellency the Governor to the council has been received here & gives much satisfaction. We have been obliged to pay an extremely high Charter for the Equity, lo Copano, on account of the advance of the Mexican troops. We also in the Charter guarantee them against lonage duty in Copano & Matagorda or in two ports- I have the Honour to be Yours Respectfully &c Wm Bryan General Agent
Nashville Colony March 8th 1836
To the Convention
Now in [illegible] at Washington I beg leave to inform the honorable boddy that during the many depredations [illegible] committed on the frontier, I have taken the responsibility on myself to raise a Volunteer Company to go against the Indians. I have got as fare as Mt. Childnsses with thirty men and a small force of [illegible], which A. Bincoss and myself mounted at our expence in Lenorceillan and a few [illegible] and Baggage Waggon myself and Company have become [illegible] I shall proceed today from this place towards the Colorado Mountains, and the head waters of Little River in search of the Indians and having known [illegible] of ammunition I shall indeavor to keep my men constricted in the Waggon and let them approach us as a moving Family., and shall neither spare him or Bowie. .l should have [illegible l on Horse back Too in advance Too in the rear and Too on each flank which l think will enable me to lay a similar that will kick some of them, by so doing. I think I can [illegible] them from the lands of Country, and then by having a Campaign amcdiately ordered to fit and against their villages I think we shall be able to get rid of Savages l illegible] on our frontiers. any thing that is l illegible I Commanded armys I am [ illegible l the honorable bod<ly will pardon as I have nothing but the good of the Country at heart. I submit the case lo your
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