Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

legion, with the gallant general at their head, corclially responded that they would, whenever it might be deemed necessary, prompUy repair to the frontier, delighted with the opportunity of carrying into effect the wishes of the President, under whose immediate command many of the officers had distinguished themselves in the defence of their city and State in the memorable triumphs of December, 18 l4, and January, 1815. All which is submitted for the information of the President of the United States with the profound respect.

Edmund P. Gaines, Major Gereral commanding.

Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.

P. S.-1 arrived al the city of New Orleans at 7 A. M. and departed therefrom on board this steamboat at 7 P. M. yesterday. Having taken my passage on board the steamboat the Levant, bound from New Orleans for Natchitoches, and to be at Baton Rouge on the 1st April, Friday next. [2474] _ [HOUSTON to CHRISTY]

Headquarters, Camp Mill Creek, March 29, 1836

To Colonel William Christy, New Orleans,

Dear Sir: I have ordered Captain David N. Burke and Edward Conrad to New Orleans, to procure men for the army of Texas. The present is probably the most important moment we have to experience. We now stand before the world as a nation, and stand almost alone. But for the assistance upon which we confidently rely from our brethren in the United States, we shall not be enabled to maintain the position we have assumed. With equal confidence I look to you for the immediate use of all the influence in your power to sustain our cause. I look to you as the most efficient and zealous agent of our country. Do exert all the talent and means you can command, for now is the time of need. Captain Burke and Mr. Conrad will bear this letter to you with my orders: be good enough to render them all the assistance in your power. Sam Houston.


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